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Bringing It Home: The exploration and co-design of consumer-led methodologies to understand lived experience of home and living within a National Disability Research Partnership

 Monash University,
SDA Alliance,
University of Melbourne,
Social Ventures Australia,

Griffith University 

Experiences of police apprehension for psychosocial disability: a
co-designed investigation.

Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council 

Stepping out in the world: the new adulthood for Gen Zs with Down syndrome

University of Queensland 

Co-designing resources to increase access to information and services: Syrian and Iraqi people with disability from refugee backgrounds and service providers.

 Deakin University,
Settlement Services International,
NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors,
Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (Foundation House) 

Hey! Hear me out. Voices of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Mob on the
National Disability Insurance Scheme in the Northern Territory.

 University of Melbourne,
Phoenix Consultancy Pty Ltd,
Auslan Consultancy Pty Ltd 

Supporting the woman, supporting the mother: Examining the interface between the NDIS and family support services for mothers with intellectual disability in New South Wales.

 University of Sydney,
University of New South Wales,
WASH House Inc,
People with Disability Australia 

Supporting students with intellectual disability at university

The University of Sydney,

Centre for Disability Studies,

Flinders University

Saying who you are: Identifying best practice to support positive identities for LGBTQ people with intellectual disability

Deakin University,
Rainbow Rights & Advocacy,
Inclusion Melbourne 

Growing up making decisions: When best interests are not in the best interests of young people with disability

University of New South Wales, Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA),
Inclusion Australia 

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