Bringing it home: The exploration and co-design of consumer-led methodologies to understand lived experience of home and living within a National Disability Research Partnership
Project Summary
This project will explore approaches to inclusive methodologies for people with disabilities, housing providers and researchers to use in future evaluations investigating housing, technology, and community design.
The project objective is to apply scoping and Delphi methods to investigate co-designed and co-produced methodologies that can be used to:
Examine how Australia is enacting Article 19 of the UNCRPD, enabling people with disabilities to live in the community, with choices, inclusion and participation equal to others; and
Investigate policy priority areas of Australia’s National Disability Strategy.
The project will connect lived experience of people with disabilities (considering various home and living options), with research expertise and approaches developed and used previously by academics (within the 2010-20 National Disability Strategy implementation phase), and new methodologies and housing approaches, driven by SDA Alliance, Social Ventures Australia and Universities.
The project team includes:
people with lived experience of disabilities;
researchers developing and using innovative methodologies to build evidence of home and living impacts and outcomes;
SDA Alliance, Australia’s peak body for the new build SDA market; and
Social Ventures Australia, having just released a housing outcome framework.
Project Team
Monash University (Lead)
University of Melbourne's Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning
The Hopkins Centre, Griffith University
Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Alliance
Social Ventures Australia
Associate Professor Libby Callaway, Monash University, Victoria
Dr Em Bould, Senior Research Fellow, Monash University, Victoria
Dr Natasha Layton, Senior Research Fellow, Monash University, Victoria
A/Prof Kate Tregloan, Associate Professor Teaching and Learning and Assistant Dean (Teaching Quality), University of Melbourne
Mr Jono Bredin, NDIS Participant and Lived Experience Consultant, Grab Control Inc., Victoria
Mr Chris LeCerf, NDIS Participant and Lived Experience Consultant, Victoria
Ms Tania Lewis, NDIS Participant and Lived Experience Consultant, NSW
Mr Thomas Butler, SDA Developer, NDIS Participant and Lived Experience Consultant, Tasmania
Ms Alison McDonald, Registered Architect, NDIS participant and Lived Experience Consultant, Queensland
Dr Grace Bitner, Research Fellow, The Hopkins Centre, Griffith University, Menzies Health Institute, Queensland
Ms Melanie Southwell, Chief Executive Officer, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Alliance, NSW
Ms Anna Ashenden, Principal Consulting, Social Ventures Australia, NSW