Strengthening research capacity
One of the aims of the National Disability Research Partnership is to strengthen disability research capacity. We recognise that there is already capacity in disability research in Australia but that there is a need to substantially improve this, ensure it is disability-inclusive, and that it focuses on issues that are important for people with disability and other stakeholder groups.
This report outlines the NDRP’s plan to strengthen capacity for disability research in Australia. It builds on two research reports by UNSW Canberra commissioned by the NDRP Working Party, Disability Research Capacity: Key Definitions and Frameworks and Building System-wide Disability Research Capacity in Australia. Read more about the background below.
Background work
Part 1: What do we mean by research capacity?
Research capacity is individuals, teams, organisations and disciplines having the ability (research expertise, knowledge and skills) to undertake research activities and disseminate research findings, as well as the funding, resources / time, and incentives to undertake and engage in research.
Disability Research Capacity: Key Definitions and Frameworks. Fiona Buick, 2021. Public Service Research Group (UNSW)
Part 2: What does high research capacity look like?
Researchers interviewed 43 people to ask what high disability research capacity could look like in Australia and where the gaps are in achieving this. The project interviewed people from Disabled People's Organisations and advocacy organisations, universities, government, and services who came up with key things to change and steps to get there.
Building effective system-wide disability research capacity in Australia: What does it look like and how do we get there? Fiona Buick, Rae West, Helen Dickinson (2022) Public Service Research Group (UNSW)