We’re pleased to share our updated NDRP principles that will guide the NDRP’s work and decisions.
The updated principles are informed by two years’ worth of feedback we’ve received from the disability community and sector. They also draw on the Human Rights Framework of the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
Our updated guiding principles set out that NDRP seeks to:
Advance high quality research that informs disability policy and practice in Australia
Value the knowledge of people with disability in research
Strengthen disability research capacity
Share research findings widely in useful and accessible ways.
You can read the easy read principles here: NDRP principles easy read
What has changed and why?
The new principles are clearer about the NDRP’s role in research.
While the NDRP itself won’t actually do the research, it will facilitate and advance research by implementing and funding projects aligned with its research agenda. This will bring together researchers, including researchers with disability, from across Australia to deliver projects that help inform disability policy and practice.
Valuing the knowledge of people with disability in research is at the core of everything the NDRP will do. We added some more information about what we mean by this. We will respect knowledge and research from a range of different sources – we value research led by disability and community organisations as much as research led by universities. This principle highlights the need for: - research that meaningfully includes people with disability - people with disability to have real decision-making power and be paid properly for their research work - including people with disability who are often left out or not well represented in research.
We changed the language in the NDRP principles from ‘build research capability’ to ‘strengthen disability research capacity’ to acknowledge that we will strengthen the extensive capacity that already exists.
Finally, we added a new principle that sets out our commitment to sharing research findings. We will make sure information is shared in accessible ways that are useful to people through a range of traditional and new ways.
Visit our website to read more about our principles and what these principles mean for how we do things - NDRP principles.