Nominate for a Director position
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Directors on the first NDRP Board
The National Disability Research Partnership (NDRP) will fund research led by and with people with disability. This will help to facilitate a collaborative and inclusive disability research program that builds evidence for effective policy and practice. The NDRP is being established as an independent company governed by a board of directors. The majority of the board will be people with disability.
The first round of applications to join the first board is now closed. Round two will open in ~July. We are looking for people who have experience in one of more of the areas listed in our skills matrix, including: experience in disability research, industry experience in the disability sector, leadership, partnerships with aligned organisations, strategy, communications, governance, finance or risk management.
We want the board to be made up of people of diverse ages, gender, backgrounds with at least half people with disability.
Access the skills matrix here: NDRP skills and experience matrix.
Meetings will be held online once a month. All directors on the NDRP, except for the government-appointed directors, will be paid.
The board’s responsibilities will include:
Understanding the business of the NDRP and being aware of key developments
Providing strategic direction to the organisation
Making sure the NDRP Guiding Principles and NDRP Constitution are upheld
Govern and oversee the NDRP’s operations and performance
Providing advice, opinions and independent judgement to inform decisions
Being an active representative, including attending functions or events.
We are seeking the NDRP’s independent directors in two phases:
Three directors will be recommended by the Disability Representative Organisations (DROs), and appointed by the interim board. Closed
Three independent directors will be sought by the NDRP nominations committee once the others are in place, with a focus on filling any skills/experience gaps. September 2024